Braid Booking Guide 2021

As indicated in the guidance given on re-opening the Green for play the following procedures are intended to ensure the safety of members by maintaining social distancing and avoiding this being put at risk by large numbers arriving and leaving at the same time.

Four Rinks will be in use designated Rinks 1, Rink 2, Rink 3 and Rink 4 - though the actual rinks used may differ and may change from day to day or weekly.
Two of the Four rinks will be adjacent to each other. On these rinks players when not on the mat should keep to the side of the rink other than the adjacent rink and maintain social distance.

Booking of these rinks initially will be within a 2 hour slot running 10-12, 12-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8 for all days in the week including Saturday and Sunday. Booking restrictions may however be placed on particular times to accomodate fixtures arranged for the Club by Match Secretaries.
Within member booked slots there will be staggered arrival and departure times as shown in the following table:

Rink Arrival at Club Departure from Club Play time*
1 On the hour 25 mins past hour 1 hour 25 mins
2 10 mins past hour 25 mins before hour do
3 20 mins past hour 15 mins before hour do
4 30 mins past hour 5 mins before hour do
*Max play time after accounting for staggered arrival and departure is shown as 1 hour and 25 minutes but within this is included down time disinfecting mats and jacks before and after play.

Remember also when making your booking that all players on the rink should be declared and that everyone should have confirmed their acceptance of the conditions of access to the Green during this phase of the easing of the lockdown.

The booking system used (SKEDDA) is a professional piece of software and very user friendly.
However, you may wish first to consult this brief Online Booking Guide (PDF) to get an initial idea of how to make a booking.
When you are ready to book go straight to the Booking System and make your first booking!